Friday, October 22, 2010


Florida - Those bureaucrats have rammed it up our butts again, haven't they. This legislation is tacked on to another bill to hide it. But in the end, we will have to come with septic tank inspections, which means a septic tank will have to be dug up and inspected, the lines inspected, the drain fields inspected at your expense, which will be upwards of $500. If the tank cracks, too damn bad. It's your responsibility.

Then, if that tank breaks, or is declared unsafe or whatever the term is, you will have to replace the whole thing. Thousands of dollars, yards dug up, and one of those mounds put in.

Those bureaucrats (and locally, Jimmy Patronis was for it initially, but decided 10-year inspections were better and to be fair and I don't know how he feels today but Mart Coley was against it altogether), are passed this.

Now really, what are you going to do with a backed up septic system? You're going to fix it immediately. WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE THE MONEY, CAN'T BORROW IT? Are you on fixed income, just squeaking by?

We need to show up at our legislator's local office and raise holy hell with them.
If they signed this legislation or approved it in any way, and if they are running for re-election they need to know how we feel about this and we must not vote for them.

How about we organize a demonstration in Tallahassee? A phone campaign? A fax campaign? Got to do this before the election - they monitor talk shows, I know.

Senator Gaetz is now against it. Wants to repeal it BUT the first letters go out
in January, and we're going to get clobbered.

Come on - we need to start working on this.

We need to get organized.

This is a serious issue.

We need to flush the supporters out and fire them.

Now if you google up septic tank inspection bill Florida, you will find additional information.

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