Saturday, September 4, 2010


What you read here should horrify you.

Lind, the judge, abandons her duty in favor of not wanting to "embarrass" Obama/Soetoro.

Do you realize what implications that judge's decision has on every court in the land, including the Supreme Court?

The trial should stop, this judge barred from every court in the land, her license to practice removed.

She should be court martialled.

I am furious and you should be, too.

Why aren't our military JAG officers and brass stepping in here and at the least removing her from her post.

This is pivotal information in this country. We may be (and probably are) being held hostage by an imposter, a fraud.

Every piece of legislation, paper he signed, then is bogus and must be repealed and he should be removed from office and tried for treason. Not a mere resignation.

I'd love to see every American soldier leave the military in protest of this. To what did they swear their oaths to? A president who is a fraud, their commanders or the Constitution of the United States and the people from enemies within and without?

Well, we know we're dealing with the enemies within, don't we.

1 comment:

  1. Americans and supporters of our CONSTITUTION wake up - are we all asleep or just stupid? We have a snake, a predator in the White House. A stellar soldier who is working to bring the truth to bear and we the people have picked the wrong time to stop being "WE THE PEOPLE" Let's stand behind Col. Lakin and above all our CONSTITUTION. Let's get with the program. TRUTH, TRUTH, TRUTH. Where is the birth certificate??????? Clearly our CONSTITUTION states a person has to be American born to be the President of our country. If obama is American born, then what is all the controversy about? Unless of course he is lying. Let's have it, why is it being concealed? We have the right to ask for this document as we all have a legal birth certificate and you judges, need to do your jobs that the court appointed you to do. Get to the truth – that's why this case is on trial to defend the truth. READ AND UNDERSTAND OUR CONSTITUTION, so you will be adequately equipped - for the TRUTH, as this is what you should be representing (TRUTH & JUSTICE). I would think that just like the rest of the country, you would want to know if there is an imposter in the WH? Being a judge, it should be absolutely paramount that there is no debate or question what so ever. The American people are calling for the truth. Our justice system should be working far and beyond to bring the TRUTH to bear there is no compromise for TRUTH. PRAISE GOD FOR OUR CONSTITUTION AND THIS WONDERFUL COUNTRY we live in. COL. LAKIN, I HONOR YOU SIR. I know the wonderful God we serve, will put the truth in front of you. In JESUS name I pray for you.
