Saturday, September 4, 2010


Who are we?

We are the progeny of patriots, who fought for freedom, lost their lives, spilled their blood in rivers of triumph for the ideals of freedom, liberty and a sovereign land called America.

We are the couch potatoes who watch Dancing with the Stars, obscene music videos, violent action movies and never teach the children what freedom really is because we don't know ourselves and watch leftist media roll out the propaganda machine on nightly news.

We are the Tea Partiers who have a dream of freeing our country from offensive, crippling taxation, from a corrupt government, standing tall above those who ridicule us, try to infiltrate and destroy our cause.

We are the patriots who stand ready to defend our nation from the internal corruption in our government, who hand out pocket Constitutions, who will stand against the time when the corrupt in Washington, DC, try to knock us down by fear and oppression. We will never
cease our resolve. We are the people who believe in individual rights and the sovereign citizen.

We are homeschoolers who don't want their children to be subjugated into drugged, zombified acquiescence in public schools which whitewash history books and teach political correctness in the form of government propaganda.

We think for ourselves. You cannot control our minds. We see through you. We have the "gift" of wisdom and truth.

We are the elders who have fought wars we couldn't win because the government didn't want to win, who bear the scars of war in our minds, hearts and bodies, who wait for the chance to make things right.

We are farmers and ranchers and doctors and the jobless who are sick to death of government regulation and destructive government policies.

We are the jobless and homeless, angry that our banks failed us, put us on the street, with no
leniency, and watch our jobs move first to Mexico, then India, now China and the middle east.
We want American jobs for Americans. Our unions did nothing to stop the bleeding - and sent them away and lied to us.

We are my neighbors who needed medical help and were in a Medicaid program for the underemployed. Their son turned 18 and now they are back to square one. There is no help available to them, and they are working as hard as they can, struggling to survive. For them there is nothing. For illegal aliens, there is EVERYTHING.

We are Americans. We are standing shoulder-to-shoulder through an unbroken bond to defend our country if the call comes and our military and our police turn against us.

Let us and the world, remember who we are.

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