Saturday, August 28, 2010


Jihadis' Big Day in Kenya: Sharia Backed Constitution Signed, Obama Backed Defeat of Democracy, Sudan Jihadist Slaughterer Bashir Invited and Present

Sharia was signed into law today, a victory for the Obama-backed Odinga putsch. Obama campaigned as far back as 2006 and $upported Islamist Raila Odinga in Kenya, and today, the poisonous fruit of that dangerous liaison became law.

Present at the signing of the new sharia constitution in Kenya was Sudanese President Umar al- Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for genocide, and is responsible for the death of millions in a jihad against the people of Darfur and Sudan.

Islamic governments have targeted Kenya as a key element in the spread of Islam in Horn of Africa and ultimately the world. The Kenyan Diaspora including Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Hussein Obama has also played a part. [Atlas Shrugs quoting David Jonsson, February, 2008]

I am sure it was Obama-backed Odinga who invited Bashir. When Obama-backed Odinga lost the election last year, he unleashed a wave of unspeakable violence. Back in January 2008, I first posted on Obama's disturbing and unqualified support of violent inciter, Raila Odinga. He was aligned with Kenyan Muslim leaders who urged the Kenyan government to cut off diplomatic ties with the United States. Kenya's first truly free and fair democratic election was in December 2002, won by Mwai Kibaki and a multi-ethnic coalition party, NARC (National Rainbow Coalition). One of the leaders of that coalition was Raila Odinga.

Kibaki didn't give him positions in the new government that he felt were important enough, so Odinga formed an opposition party, ODM (Orange Democratic Movement, orange the symbol color of opposition).

When Raila Odinga lost the presidential election to Mwai Kibaki, he claimed the vote was rigged, whereupon his tribal followers went on murderous rampages ..........

Those bloody incidents continued. Through the 2008 election year, Odinga made good on his promise to ethnically cleanse what was once a stable country on an unstable continent. Odinga used rape as a weapon. He is an ally of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and has been a guest of the mullahcratic murderers.

Bloomberg reports:

The Hague-based ICC in July charged al-Bashir with three counts of genocide against the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa ethnic groups in the western region of Darfur. The court had issued another warrant for him in March 2009 for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. Kenya is a member of the ICC and is therefore obliged to arrest al-Bashir, New York-based Human Rights Watch said today in an e-mailed statement.

......“Even worse, hosting al-Bashir would throw into question Kenya’s commitment to cooperate with the ICC in its Kenyan investigation,” said Elise Keppler, a senior counsel at Human Rights Watch.

Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetang’ula said that Kenya won’t arrest al-Bashir because he was invited by the government, according to the Daily Nation website.

Kenyan Suspects

ICC Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said on May 12 that he plans to present cases against six Kenyans by the end of the year, after a probe into allegations of crimes against humanity during violence that followed disputed elections in December 2007. The ICC stepped in after Kenyan lawmakers failed several times to create a local tribunal to try suspects.

An estimated 1,500 people died in ethnic clashes after Kibaki claimed victory in a presidential election that his political rival, Raila Odinga, said was rigged.

Two months of violence ended after the leaders signed a power-sharing accord that named Odinga as prime minister and agreed on changes including a new constitution. Former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who mediated in the peace negotiations, was also in attendance at today’s ceremony. It followed an Aug. 4 referendum in which Kenyans voted in favor of the charter.

The constitution aims to distribute political power among the country’s 42 ethnic groups, achieve more equitable land distribution and put checks and balances on the president, aiming to avoid a repeat of the post-election violence.

‘New Page’

“We have opened a clean new page on our books,” Odinga said at today’s ceremony. “On that page we begin writing the story of an equal and just society.” Kibaki called it the “most important day” in the country’s post-independence history. The new charter replaces one dating to when Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963.

Al-Bashir embodies the spirit of impunity and “bad governance” that Kenyan leaders said they were trying to leave behind with the new constitution, Karuti Kanyinga, a political scientist in Kenya, said during an interview with the privately owned KTN television station today. “It’s a blot on this very important occasion. It’s sending the very wrong signal,” he said.

Kenya is among the 53 member states of the African Union, which last month called on the ICC to suspend arrest warrants against al-Bashir, while the continental body investigates the allegations of genocide.

As many as 300,000 people have died, mainly through illness and starvation, and more than 2.7 million have been displaced in Darfur since February 2003, according to the UN. Sudan says the death toll is about 10,000.


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