Friday, July 23, 2010


And they cluster around the fraud-in-chief - all his communist friends and advisers, with one purpose - to bring America down into the pit of communism.

I was so upset by this, I wrote the following to a large group of email friends:

What is it going to take for people to understand that Obama is a communist, his friends are communists, his advisers are communists and we are going to be taken over as easily as the Jews and the gypsies, the children, the men, women, the old and the ill,and the Poles and the homosexuals, and all the other minorities of WWII? They are going to simply use our military or foreign troops against us and put us on the white trains to meet our fate.

This man is a traitor!

When will see see something done? An impeachment! One brave soul getting up on the floor in the Congress and demanding that this man be impeached and replaced, and his cabinet and the traitors in Congress with him. To arrest them, to prosecute them, as is defined in our Declaration of Independence and demanded of us, and return our country to the Constitutional government which made it the greatest on earth?

We are strong people. Are we not that now? Am I dreaming? Am I cut of different cloth?

Who is it for whom we wait? Who will be the first one to act? We see our country undermined every single day. I go to bed dreading what will have happened during the night.

Am I alone?

I get on a talk radio program and I call for the impeachment of the fraud in chief. I also call Minority Leader John Boehner's office and get told by his aide that there isn't enough support for an impeachment. I tell him (this aide) repeatedly (there has been more than one call) to ask Boehner to consider it. He will get support from the people...not from Congress, because we are the tail that wags those dogs and he won't need Congress' support. At about that time, he is ready to hang up. His eyes have glazed over. He loses interest and he certainly does not want to speak to me.

Why? Obama's ratings are close to the floor. His actions in the Gulf's Chernobyl are abysmal. His attitude towards Arizona which struggles with a whole section of its state off limits to people and law enforcement because of the Mexican invaders is criminal!

Am I not making sense?

Somebody - give me hope! There won't be a country left by the time it comes to re-electing a new president, and indeed, I believe there will be a false flag event and martial law before then. There will be distractions along the way to keep our minds off what is happening in government.

Where are you - our honorable Viet Nam era man and women? Why are you so silent?

Speak to a young serviceman...I wonder how many of them will tell you there is no such thing as an unlawful order, and that yes, they will fire on Americans if that is the order.

What is happening here?

We don't seem to have put a name on the problem. It is the name of the imposter to the presidency.

We have no spirit!

No courage.

Where did it go?

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