Monday, July 19, 2010


This is the year of 2010.

Thomas Crapper made possible personal hygiene to all when he invented the toilet. And now a mall in Britain is reverting to squat toilets to
cater to Muslims?

Let me tell you a little story. In my younger days, newly married and living in California, another couple persuaded us to visit Tijuana. Never having been there, we had a couple of shots of Tequila in a bar and the other guy hailed a cab for some "fun". We all ended up in a whorehouse on the back streets of Tijuana without streetlights. Talk about naive!

The guy was speaking a bit of Spanish - I didn't even know it was a brothel - but I did notice square holes in the floor and a faucet. I didn't know what these were. I thought maybe it had been a converted cattle barn!

Lori and I were sent outside and met a drunken sailor who came stumbling out from the base in San Diego, who is probably still talking about the women who were waiting for their husbands who were inside. His buddy, who got rolled, managed to stagger out - only his wallet felt naked.

I remember that night like it was yesterday. We walked back to "town". Today that wouldn't happen. We would never have made it out. So I'm not a fan of squat toilets.

This is very offensive and unsanitary, and probably just a little insane. It's a giant leap backwards in sanitation.

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