Monday, July 26, 2010

THEY EXECUTE HORSES, DON'T THEY? (Sure to anger you. Did you know BP is involved in this?)

Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar has apparently refused to read or acknowledge the comments of a federal judge (link is in the americanherds entry above) who says this is illegal. Here it is - don't miss it.

The 1971 Act - The American Wild Horse and Burro Act - isn't the mining, ranching and BP preservation act. These bleeding heart liberals who now sit in our government, picked by Obama are absolutely heartless. They do nothing to "change" things. They are caretakers of the military-industrial complex that will become our nation - a power hungry machine that makes us slaves to the government, and it will be one world government. Your fight to keep these horses and burros free on their birthright ranges, would be a big step and a big slap in their faces. Demand that these animals be kept free and safe from the interference of BLM and dog food companies.

Please send your thoughts to Salazar and your Congressman as the links supply. But toll free to Congress is 877-851-6437

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