Saturday, July 17, 2010


I have a question for the Department of Justice (and Mr. Holder).

It isn't that you, Mr. Holder, aren't doing your job as an American and someone who must have taken some kind of oath to uphold our Constitution, founding documents, the rule of law of the United States, and to protect us from our enemies, but you have your priorities skewed.

You have embroiled Arizona in a federal lawsuit when the law that has been enacted there mirrors the Federal law.

Why haven't you gone after sanctuary cities? They are really breaking the laws of the United States. They are havens for illegal aliens (not undocumented Democrats).

Why hasn't Janet Napolitano moved to protect Americans from sanctuary cities?


Send all the illegals home. Deport them. If they want to come to America, enforce the rules. Welcome them AFTER they apply for citizenship. No brainer, guys.

But then if you did that, your buddy Barry Soetoro wouldn't get that enormous voting block, would he.

People are very aware of of the sleazy, slimeball politics that are being played in Washington.

Just sayin'...

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