Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I saw a reference dated today, of new research warning against allowing yourself to be put through the ordeal of these airport full body scanners, which put you, your children to physical abuse through high doses of radiation and risks of cancer and dna damage, as well as crossing the lines of guilty until proven innocent and also violations of privacy and porn.

Operators can view your naked body, make a copy, pass it around, and your child can also be exposed to the pedophile and child porn that way.

Guess what. Seems like all references have been pulled as of a few minutes ago.

There is also a google article that these invasive, humiliating machines will replace all metal scanners.

We need to put a stop to these or stop flying.

There needs to be a line drawn by US. Not just in the USA but all over the world. These are harmful to our health and our safety. They are not for security, they are to put you into a mindset that you are a slave to big brother.

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