Thursday, June 17, 2010


If you have ever seen animals fleeing a forest fire, it is worse than heart breaking. Animals only trying to escape, the hair on their bodies singed or burning, is something you will never forget; the panic and the pain in their eyes.

Imagine you are a dolphin or a whale, and your home and your hunting grounds have turned into a reeking, noxious place and you try to escape it. You can't find plankton, can't find krill or fish, can't breathe; you are suffocating. You are a mammal. You beach yourself and your body becomes too heavy to dislodge from the sand; you hunger, your organs are painfully compressed from the weight of your body. You cry out for you are in distress before dying. That is what this oil calamity - this disastrous, monstrous event - is bringing to our shores here in the Gulf. But it will reach you, too. Just give it time.

If this well isn't capped, shortly, the misery of a nightmarish dead zone will continue to your shores.

I don't believe BP or Obama are interested at all in capping this disaster. Today I learned that BP helped write the Cap and Trade bill, and that Sen. Harry Reid wants it passed over the July 4th holiday behind closed doors. Obama's promises of transparency? Just another lie of global proportions of which he is a master.

Why was BP, a foreign oil company involved in writing legislation for America?

All the money in the world combined cannot bring back our pristine, turquoise waters; breathe life into a dying whale or other marine mammal coated with oil, trying to find haven by beaching itself; a pelican, gannet, skimmer, or other bird that makes its living from the water will come to the surface paralyzed with oil; sea turtle hatchlings will perish minutes after toddling out to follow the moon and stars on a darkened beach. No longer will we swim through schools of squid, or marvel at the blennies on the jetty rocks. No more shells on the beach, urchins, corals, crabs, mole crabs. Nothing.

The dispersant which BP uses, is "their" product. They own part of the company, NALCO, who makes it. It is prohibited for use in the UK. The product is Corexit. But this doesn't make sense either - using a dispersant. It just sinks the oil to get it out of sight, but it still makes it way to the beaches and marshlands and up estuaries underwater, and perhaps does more damage by doing that. A better way, I heard from a fisherman, is to let it float so it can be collected more easily by the booms and skimmers. Why would we be using a highly toxic dispersant prohibited in the United Kingdom?


George Soros is very much involved in this financially, and the dead bodies of fish and marine mammals, the families who made their livings on the water, the restaurants, the people who made the fishing boats and tackle, the tourists...all of it will be gone. There is no money in the world that can bring the Gulf back until we cap the well, and tap the fissures.

I don't normally watch Mike Huckabee's program, but the other night he had 4 or 5 people on with non-contaminating large-scale inventions that would absorb the oil, making it recoverable. None of these people have been contacted by BP or the government. And all of these products and more, are ready to go, NOW.

As more information is brought to light, you will find that this ecological disaster; this tragedy, will be put on the back burner so that major profiteering, and the resulting pain and devastation will be allowed.

Wherever you are in the world - the Bahamas, the Leewards, the east coast of America, Cuba,
Europe - it's only a matter of time.

BP will long be bankrupt and that inept jerk, that devil without a past in the White House, will watch this monstrous "thing" creep to your country as the currents take this oil from ocean to ocean.

But his minions will push this through Cap and Trade, because now they have caused this crisis, and the citizens will willingly and misguidedly, do anything to right this ecological disaster, including allow themselves to be raped by cap and trade which is part of the global warming hoax. You will again accept the tainted manna of the Obama administration feeds you.

And only after this preposterous piece of legislation goes through, will the globalist elite, like Soros, ALLOW THIS RUPTURED WELL TO BE CAPPED.

This is my opinion.

The other option is to vote every socialist progressive out of office in the election in November, IF another election is ever held. There could be severe repercussions attached to this BP leak.

Obama has proven that he cannot lead, cannot solve, or handle himself presidentially or capably. And certainly he doesn't care about the people of the United States as long as he can play golf, attend music parties, stump for a fellow Democrat and eat ribs with Michelle even the left is turning against him. You got what you voted for.


And like Nero, he fiddles while we burn.

And it's all just about money, power and control.

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