Thursday, June 24, 2010


Here is a letter to the editor I wrote today, hoping of course, it will be printed. Take it and run. Make it better, leave it alone I don't care. It's yours if you want it to send to your elected officials. Show it to your Sheriff. Ask lots of questions. We should not be the last to know anything that affects our lives, liveliehood and personal safety. Make sure you talk this over to your own Sheriff.

After listening to the excellent speech Sen. George LeMieux gave

yesterday on the Burnie Thompson Show this morning, I have a proposal.

The Sheriff is the highest law enforcement officer in the county. The
Sheriff can hold all federal agents and agencies at bay unless, of course,
that Sheriff has been federalized by accepting grants for equipment and other help.
That begs the question - where does his allegiance lie?

Rumors of a mass evacuation by FEMA have been circulating for at least three weeks
and appeared in the Wayne Madsen Report yesterday. This is not just for
populations on the immediate coast, but for 200 mile band inland.

The federal government has said it is concerned with methane (which may
be fearmongering, since methane degrades by itself), and the toxic
vapors from the dispersant Corexit, which is toxic in itself. The fear
is that it will attach to rain and pollute our water sources. The
longer it takes for the well and fissures to be capped, the longer we
will be forced to remain away from our homes and business. Where are we
going to be put? In FEMA camps? What happens to families with
livestock and pets? We won't be able to take them. What happens to our homes?

My proposal is to gather the Florida sheriffs of the counties this
affects - to 200 miles inland, and make them aware that this should not
be a mandatory evacuation and to remind them of their duties to the people in their
counties. Apparently those in Louisiana do not understand their power,
or that they have the power to arrest federal officials.

The federal government and the Obama regime are not responding to the
needs of the people of the Gulf Coast. There is much profiteering going on with the investment in Corexit, and
its parent company by people like George Soros and several entities like
Goldman Sachs, but I won't belabor that. You can do your own research. It is also in the interest of
this administration to pass cap and trade. When that is done, I believe
miraculously, that well will be capped.

It is imperative that we hear from Sheriff McKeithen as well as Mark
Bowen on this so that we can be forewarned of 1) any evacuation attempts
by FEMA, 2) their stand on house-to-house firearms confiscation like
what happened (proof on video) in New Orleans during Katrina, and 3)
their loyalty to us by supporting those who do not want to be evacuated
should the scenario play accordingly.

The federal government is not helping in the effort to effectively or
rapidly prevent our Gulf Coast and the Gulf of Mexico from becoming a dead

We do not need the Coast Guard to tell us we cannot help our own waters by
aiding the clean up ourselves or be arrested. Who is giving these
orders? Are we at war now with our federal government because we want
to save our environment? And why are foreign countries being ignored
when they have offered (early on) vessels and technology to help us? Any why
haven't more available skimmers and collector vessels been sent to the
Gulf Coast. There are thousands of them available now in the USA.

That is why we need a united front of Sheriffs in the coastal counties
to stand with the people and say NO to the federal government when it
comes to evacuation and NO to the federal government when they threaten
us with arrest for galvanizing to action.

We hear nothing from our Sheriffs. And that is why we need this
meeting. We need this unity to show the entire country that the Gulf Coast
will NOT be the sacrificial lamb for cap and trade.

In the context of war, we have two going on in the country as I write this. Arizona pits itself against the federal government, illegal immigrants and heavily armed drug and human traffickers, and the denial of help to our Gulf Coast. It is clearly "us against them" and there is too much at stake to let "them" in Washington, party while our way of life, our natural resources , and the very reason we are here slowly perish before our eyes every second that BP oil leak is allowed to continue.

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