Thursday, June 17, 2010

Good thinking from a friend in Montana on less government, socialism, and Cap and Trade


Subject: Obama's Crisis Management

Hello Patriots! Obama made his first speech from the Oval Office, and after rattling off some numbers, statistics, and other details about the oil spill went straight to the heart of his speech agenda- pushing his plan of imposing cap and trade on the American people. Obama says "we must accept the cost of cap & trade", and is using this oil spill as a poster child for demonizing our traditional energy sources and the companies that have been providing this energy to America. Accidents happen, and believe it or not every accident doesn't mean that there needs to be more sweeping governmental legislation, regulation, and taxation. Private industry takes the accidents and learns from them, but in Obama's mind it means something different- opportunity.

Rahm Emanuel let the cat out of the bag last year when he said "Never let a good crisis go to waste", and that has been the Obama modus operandi ever since. A crisis emerges, and instead of leading the country he sends his progressive allies to Capital Hill to pass legislation, regulations, and additional governmental control. It is a never ending circle of trying to fix everything with legislating, regulating, and taxing, when the only real remedy is LESS GOVERNMENT, NOT MORE.

Every time Obama speaks, another layer is peeled off and a clearer picture of his socialist agenda comes to light. Obama has long wanted a system of cap & trade that will saddle virtually all Americans with higher energy costs, yet will do nothing substantial at all to help the environment. This will result in the largest tax increase in history, and therefore the largest transfer of wealth from private persons and private industry to the federal government. This is what it all boils down to- the re-distribution of wealth, flat and simple. Cap & trade is nothing but a fund-raising scheme by which the federal government can fund it's socialist programs, and get more people in line for the never ending handouts, bailouts, "stimulus", and subsidies. Money goes from your pocket, to the government's pocket, then to the pocket of a more "needy" or more "deserving" person than you.

Cap & Trade = Re-distribution of Wealth, a socialist mainstay.
See if you can come up with another country that has adopted cap & trade that isn't a socialist stronghold- ?????

This may sound like I am beating the same old drum all the time, but if we don't remain vigilant and watchful of what the federal government is doing we will be surprised one day when we wake up and America isn't here anymore. The land will still be here, your city will still be here, your house, dog, and car will still be here, but America will be gone. We will merely be another failed nation, with powerless people ruled by progressive socialists like so many other countries in the world.

We can't let this happen. Not now, not ever. We must do whatever we can to convince Congress that Obama's cap & trade agenda is not what "We the People" want, and let them know what we do want- LESS GOVERNMENT.

“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” - Thomas Jefferson

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world." - Daniel Webster

God bless America, and may God save our great country.

Blane Dillon

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