Sunday, June 20, 2010

From the Daily Dose by Dr. William Campbell II

Your dentist will give you cancer

If you've been to the dentist, you know how it is -- these jokers want to X-ray you every time you open your mouth.

Checkup? ZAP! Toothache? ZAP! New dentist? ZAP! They'll even try to zap you if they get new office equipment.

Zap, zap, zap, zap -- each time your dentist hits that switch, you get hit with a powerful blast of radiation right in your face. Don't think for a second that it's safe -- because a new study shows how all those dental X-rays can turn into a battle for your life with thyroid cancer.

British researchers looking into the alarming rise of this unusual cancer found that patients who've been X-rayed 10 times or more have 5.4 times the thyroid risk when compared to those smart enough to avoid dental X-rays, according to the study in the journal Acta Oncologica.

The study, which used data from 313 thyroid cancer patients and a similar number of people who didn't have the condition, also found that between five and nine X-rays will quadruple your risk, and getting zapped up to four times will double your risk.

The researchers say dentists should lay off the radiation trigger, and stop giving X-rays for routine exams or when accepting new patients.

Yeah, right.

Asking your dentist not to X-ray is like asking Bonnie and Clyde to hold their fire. Your dentist has an itchy trigger finger, and it's always a case of "Zap first, bill later."

It's so bad that many people get hit with more radiation during dental visits than during all their other health appointments put together, and the new study shows how that little lead bib isn't going to save you.

And when your dentist isn't zapping you, he's busily packing your teeth with some of the most powerful poisons on earth: fluoride and mercury.

People actually pay for this!

Obviously you need to stay far away from those radiation-packed poison pits known as dental offices, but that doesn't mean you should let your teeth rot right out of your skull.


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