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Friday, May 7, 2010

Thanks to the Canada Free Press for this chilling video of a peaceful citizen protest (tea party) showing police intimidation, ordered by Obama

Thanks to the Canadian Free Press, we have this video, as well as others, and some really important news on America and Obama from a different perspective. Please go to the site and read this publication.

It is very enlightening.

Now, tell me why these police are following their orders that are stupid and foolish and like Lt. Col. Lakin, why are they allowing themselves to be a force to intimidate a peaceful demonstration.

What would have happened if one of the signs said we are going to kill you, like the one the Mexican is carrying in one of the photos I posted this morning?

If you get to the Youtube site for this video, in the sidebar, you will see what is happening to the American citizen at the hand of militarized, federalized police. What is your Sheriff's opinion on this?

Big HT to Fellowship of the Minds.

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