Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So there won't be any respect or honor to our soldiers - no wreath laid upon the tomb of the unknowns.

If everyone who has had a soldier in the family, and that soldier is dead or living, observes this holiday as a holy day of deepest emotion, then Obama needs a slap down.

He isn't going to Louisiana to aid Bobby Jindal.

He's going on vacation. With a eco-tragedy of unequalled proportion going on in Louisiana, which he has all but abandoned.

We need to impeach this piece of garbage (you thought I was going to say "shit", didn't you) and the sooner the better. How's this, military brass, sitting in the Pentagon. Doesn't it bug you a little?

A lot?

You send the kids out to fight and have their limbs or their guts or their heads blown off for drugs and oil in a war that hasn't been declared but you sent them anyway because Obama wanted them to go, and he goes on vacation instead of honoring our brave dead soldiers?

What are YOU made of?

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