Monday, May 24, 2010


This past weekend was the Liberty Convention in Missoula, Montana.
A couple of members of Montana Shrugged along with other fine patriots attended the convention where Kitty Wethmann (among others) was able to speak. Below please watch video footage of her speech.
If you are not familiar with who Kitty Werthmann is let me give you a brief bio:
Kitty Werthmann is no ordinary person. At 13 she witnessed Austria change from a Catholic country to a barbaric nation almost overnight. The public schools all hung crucifixes on their walls. The next day after changing to the Nazi regime, the crosses went down and Hitler's photo went up. The students went from reciting Catholic prayers to singing "Deutschland Uber Alles." Kitty witnessed so much that it would have stunned you, but her works here in the United States would have completely blown you away. Ronald Reagan used her clever abilities to go undercover in the peace movement in Geneva, Switzerland. Posing as a peacenik, Kitty infiltrated top communists in the movement. They told her plenty. She personally reported back to Reagan and he was able to use her information when he met with and stood up to Gorbachev.

Kitty Werthmann

Life Under Hitler - History Repeats Itself

Liberty Convention 2010, Missoula, Montana

"Nazi" stood for "National Socialist Party"

Draft for girls, compulsory work, state-run childcare

Forced abortion, youth indoctrination

Socialized medicine, forced euthanasia

State-controlled churches, gun registration and confiscation

Communist "reconquista" plot, censorship, struggle against tyranny
God Bless America, and God Save this Great County!

Jennifer Olsen

Founder, Montana Shrugged

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