Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Anti-Gun ObamaPet Nominated to the Supreme Court
-- The nomination IS stoppable IF Americans let their voices be heard

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The next justice of the Supreme Court could well cast the deciding vote on the constitutionality of ObamaCare. And that justice will almost certainly preside, during the next thirty years, over dozens of cases which could very well chip away at the DC v. Heller decision, telling us which gun laws the court views as "constitutional" and which "unconstitutional."

So it is more than a little interesting that Barack Qbama has reached into his closet of political leftists to bring out Elena Kagan -- a woman whose legal views have been shaped by the most extreme socialist voices in Washington.

Kagan doesn't have a record of judicial opinions. She hasn't been a judge. So the crafty Obama figures that, without a paper trail, we won't know of the ways she is moving American jurisprudence to the left until it's too late.

But Kagan's views on the Second Amendment are no mystery. According to columnist James Oliphant, Kagan was part of "a small group of staffers work[ing] behind the scenes to pursue an aggressive policy agenda" during President Bill Clinton's second term.

Oliphant writes: "According to records at the William J. Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Ark., [Kagan] drafted an executive order restricting the importation of certain semiautomatic assault rifles. She also helped prepare a question-and-answer document advocating the campaign-reform legislation then proposed by Sens. Russ Feingold and John McCain."

Kagan was also part of the Clinton team that pushed the firearms industry to include gun locks with all gun purchases and was in the Clinton administration when the president pushed legislation that would close down gun shows.

President Obama has made it very clear that he expects Kagan's "powers of persuasion" to make her and Justice Anthony Kennedy the swing votes to uphold his anti-gun ObamaCare legislation.

Kagan's opinion of the "greatest lawyer" of her lifetime was her former boss -- the consistently left-wing Justice Thurgood Marshall.

Bloomberg News reported on May 13 that while working for Justice Marshall, Kagan urged him to vote against hearing a gun owner's claim that his constitutional rights were violated.

Kagan wrote that she was "not sympathetic" toward the gun rights claim that was made in Sandidge v. United States -- an amazing statement for a woman who is being heralded for supposedly showing a "special solicitude" for the interests of certain groups.

Alas, it seems that gun owners are not a part of those groups for whom she would like to show special concern.

After the Heller case was handed down, Kagan did concede that the Second Amendment was an "individual right." But that makes her no different than the talking heads at the Brady Campaign.

Kagan, like the President who nominated her, is an extreme leftist. According to WeeklyStandard.com (May 6, 2009), she is so far to the left she has lamented that socialism has "never attained the status of a major political force" in our country.

And according to Politico.com (March 20, 2009), she says that foreign law can be used to interpret the U.S. Constitution in "some circumstances." Considering that most of the world does not respect the freedoms that are protected in our Second Amendment, this is a bad sign.

While every Senator needs to hear from us, there are seven Republican Senators in particular who need to hear from their constituents. These seven Republicans voted for Elena Kagan last year when she was confirmed as Obama's Solicitor General:

* Coburn (R-OK)
* Collins (R-ME)
* Gregg (R-NH)
* Hatch (R-UT)
* Kyl (R-AZ)
* Lugar (R-IN)
* Snowe (R-ME)

ACTION: Contact your Senators and urge them to vote NO on Elena Kagan -- and tell him or her that you want Kagan's nomination filibustered and defeated. As Kagan could be the deciding vote on the constitutionality of ObamaCare and many other gun cases, it is imperative that Republicans stick together and filibuster every anti-gun nomination from the President.

You can use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at http://www.gunowners.org/activism.htm to send your legislators the pre-written e-mail message below.

----- Pre-written letter -----

Dear Senator:

Please vote NO on the nomination of Elena Kagan. The next justice of the Supreme Court will almost certainly preside, during the next thirty years, over dozens of cases which could very well chip away at the DC v. Heller decision, telling us which gun laws the court views as "constitutional" and which "unconstitutional."

But Kagan's views on the Second Amendment are no mystery. Columnist James Oliphant writes: "According to records at the William J. Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Ark., [Kagan] drafted an executive order restricting the importation of certain semiautomatic assault rifles."

She was also part of the Clinton team that pushed the firearms industry to include gun locks with all gun purchases and was in the Clinton administration when the president pushed legislation that would close down gun shows.

Bloomberg News
reported on May 13 that while working for Justice Thurgood Marshall, Kagan urged him to vote against hearing a gun owner's claim that his constitutional rights were violated. Kagan wrote that she was "not sympathetic" toward the gun owner's claim.

Sure, after the Heller case was handed down, Kagan did concede that the Second Amendment was an "individual right." But that makes her no different than the talking heads at the Brady Campaign.

According to WeeklyStandard.com (May 6, 2009), she is so far to the left she has lamented that socialism has "never attained the status of a major political force" in our country.

And according to Politico.com (March 20, 2009), she says that foreign law can be used to interpret the U.S. Constitution in "some circumstances." Considering that most of the world does not respect the freedoms that are protected in our Second Amendment, this is a bad sign.

Please vote NO on Elena Kagan and support any filibuster attempt against her.


GOF Brief in McDonald v Chicago

Speaking of the Supreme Court, the next high-court judicial battle regarding gun rights will be an attempt to rule Chicago's notorious gun ban as unconstitutional as the one struck down in Washington DC in the landmark Heller case. In essence, will the "individual right" affirmed in Heller apply to every state or just DC?

To view what Gun Owners Foundation is doing to influence this upcoming Supreme Court decision, and/or to make a tax-deductible contribution to further these legal efforts, please see:

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