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Monday, April 12, 2010

Today is Holocaust Commemoration Day

Because of the new and Constitution-endangering regime that has taken up residence in our government, it would be an exceptionally easy thing for the so-called leader of our country to have a little temper tantrum, and sign an executive order and declare the Constitution suspended if things are not going his way.

We would be under martial law.

Dissidents, home owners, homeless people, those without jobs, tea partiers, people who dare
think and speak for themselves, who home school, who are preparedness/survivalists, could be rounded up on orders from the highest office in the land. There are places available with incinerators to put them now. Riots in the street, civil war. Blood in the gutters. Illegal orders followed, and possibly by new immigrants who would do anything for the Emperor of the USA. Or maybe the Unites Socialist States of Amerika.

House-to-house dynamic entries by men and women in full black SWAT uniforms, random arrests, searches and seizures would be commonplace. WHERE ARE YOUR PAPERS? There may be no gasoline available. How would you escape and to where? Federalized law enforcement and national guard troops would be in the street with all their armament.

We say NO - that's not going to happen.

That's what the millions who died in the holocaust thought, too. And that is what liberal American Jews think today. They don't understand. They still don't understand.

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