Monday, April 19, 2010


Make this go viral. Iran will be implicated, whether they are or not; police stations attacked, veterans are dangerous and any kind of propaganda. There is NO IMAGINARY ENEMY. THEY DON'T EXIST. JUST LIKE THERE WAS NO REAL FLU PANDEMIC.

THE ENEMY ISN'T THE TEA PARTY, THE BLOGGERS, THE VETS, THE CONSTITUTIONALISTS, THE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA, THE GUN OWNERS, the anti-abortionists, the purple people - anything, everything they can blame. If there is an attack, it will be a false flag nuke attack, or some terrible event reminiscent of Oklahoma City, and the only way we can stop 'THEM' IS TO GET THIS WORD OUT.

It will probably come before the elections, because all those troops are training for a crisis, staged or for intimidation against the voting public, but be careful, be aware and pass the word around.

Interesting that Oklahoma City happened on Clinton's watch. Listen to what he said carefully about another Oklahoma City soon to make the Tea Partiers SHUT UP.

Oh, come on, you spooks in government. It isn't going to work - you are hallucinating, you are demonizing talk radio, you are demonizing those who speak out, who believe in the country, the Constitution.

There is documentation with photos of the leftists/socialists/communists trying to infiltrate the tea parties to create unrest.

Racism is dead, except they want it resurrected.

You be careful of mainstream media.

You be careful of the two main political parties.

Our real enemy are the private banking cartels throughout the world.

That who is running Obama and his demoncrats and the RINOS.

We criticize Obamacare, banking bailouts, and we are terrorists.

But think of who benefits from all this? Not the people. The military industrial complex, controlled by global bankers would be the only ones.

Our entire Bill of Rights is being destroyed, so goes the Constitution. It's done every day in front of our eyes.

The Mexican drug war is being manipulated by the bankers.

Wake up. Wake up. This is a maximum red alert, and today and tonight, you listen to Alex Jones' program
here -

and http://www.prison

Fight planetary government. We will be under siege by terror attacks and we formerly free people will be blamed. Get ready. We are in a war against the globalists and it's on now.
Read Kurt Nimmo's articles here. I have, in my heart, no doubts of this.

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