Friday, April 30, 2010

Racism in 2010 - Or being baited by a liberal friend - so here's two sides of the coin

Last night I received a strange little one line note from a friend and the second link above.
We had had an email exchange a couple of weeks ago, and since she is a California liberal, and I a New York conservative and a Constitutionalist, and instead of butting heads, we decided to agree to disagree. I thought it would end there.

But late last night she sent me the article "Imagine if the Tea Party was Black" by Tim Wise, which I consider one of the worst race-baiting articles I've ever read.

So I dissected it into paragraphs and gave a simple opinion of each. Quite frankly, the article is offensive to me. Intellect wears no color, and neither do personal attributes like conviction, morality, ethics, integrity, honesty, patriotism, or truth or the other myriad emotions and beliefs we all hold. We are just human. Political polarity is a choice, and I prefer to think for myself and act accordingly.

Violence in the street is not my kind of solution to anything, but it does have a place in the liberal mindset.

Then today I found the first link which sort of came out of nowhere and I think I agree with it. Race is the only thing that liberals have in their pitiful arsenal. You know that time and time again by reading this blog that my problem is not racism when I speak of the fraud-in-chief; the Marxist punk in the White House. It is solely his politics, his ethics, his morals, his lies, his need for secrecy, his integrity and his intolerable, relentless drive to destroy our country, sell it out as a Marxist/socialist/communist third world piece of real estate, and to destroy our Constitutional Republic. Mr. Soetoro chose his black identity, but not his bi-racial origins. And that, to me, makes him racist.

I put this up today for you to read and compare. Tell me what you think or not. Doesn't matter.

Bigotry is bigotry. It is a hateful thing. Try to bait me and it isn't going to work. Ever.

Case closed.

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