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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Post November Assaults on the Second Amendment

Imagine after the smoke clears from the 2010 elections, we find out President Obama's anti-gun Democrat allies in Congress went down in flames.

But imagine just a few months later we find out the assaults on our Second Amendment rights haven't stopped.

In fact, they've increased -- thanks to President Obama's new "bipartisan Congressional coalition to battle gun crime" or some such nonsense.

That scenario might be hard to stomach.

After all, you and I have fought tooth-and-nail against the gun-grabbers' schemes over the past year.

But unless you act today, I'm afraid what I just described could be EXACTLY what you and I could end up seeing.

You see, the gun-control crowd isn't leaving anything to chance.

In fact, they're already spending MILLIONS to browbeat candidates in BOTH parties into supporting their radical, anti-gun agenda, including:

*** The Disarming American Citizens Act -- H.R. 2159 the so-called "Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009" -- allowing anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder to revoke the Second Amendment rights of ANY American he chooses based on pure "suspicion;"

*** A new so-called "Assault Weapons" Ban, targeting ALL semi-automatic rifles and shotguns -- which, unlike the Clinton ban, will NEVER expire;

*** H.R. 45, the "Catch-All" Obama Gun Control Bill, which would create a national gun registry, require a two-day waiting period, hike taxes on gun sales, federally ban ALL private firearms sales and FORCE you to take a written exam just to prove you're "fit" to own a firearm;

*** The U.N.'s "Small Arms Treaty," which would confiscate and destroy ALL "unauthorized" civilian firearms and set the stage for INTERNATIONAL gun confiscation. Recently, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "The United States is committed to actively pursuing a strong and robust [small-arms] treaty.

That's why it's vital you act TODAY!

You see, as if the gun-grabbers' needed any help, there's something else working to their benefit.

That's the political environment.

But wait, aren't the political winds blowing in our direction? Won't the grassroots' anger help us?

Maybe. Maybe not.

You see, by now, most everyone agrees Republicans will make huge gains this year.

So candidates are literally coming out of the woodwork -- stumbling all over themselves to run under the GOP banner.

Liberals. Self-styled anti-gun "moderates." You name it.

Even candidates who would have been happy to run on an anti-gun Democrat platform just two years ago are now running as "conservatives!"

They're not running because they care about the Constitution. They're not running because they care about your gun rights.

They're running SOLELY because they want the job, the title and the perks of being a Member of Congress.

That's why it's up to you and me to separate the "wheat from the chaff."

You see, the gun-grabbers' success depends on LIES and keeping their views hidden from the voters.

After all, even the most rabidly anti-gun politicians like John Kerry and Barack Obama never come right out and say, "Our goal is to take your guns away!"

So the National Association for Gun Rights has developed a Candidate Survey designed to EXPOSE the candidates' views on our gun rights.

We'll ask candidates TOUGH questions -- like whether they'll oppose any new "Assault Weapons" Ban and support the outright REPEAL of the Brady Bill, ABOLISH the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and support removing the U.S. from the anti-gun United Nations.

And then we'll report those results back to Second Amendment supporters like you and let the chips fall where they may.

Once law-abiding gun owners know the truth about their candidates, you and I both know it'll be anti-gun politicians who pay the price at the polls.

And there are some great opportunities for Second Amendment supporters this year.

In Nevada, anti-gun Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is up for re-election and is already down in the polls.

In Arkansas, anti-gun Democrat Senator Blanche Lincoln's Senate campaign is growing more desperate by the day.

Many believe it's only a matter of time until she's defeated -- either in the May Primary or the November General Election.

Then, in Pennsylvania, Senator Arlen Specter is in big trouble.

There are also open Senate contests in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Connecticut, North Dakota, Florida, New Hampshire and Delaware.

And we can't forget about pro-gun U.S. Senators like Jim DeMint (R-SC) and David Vitter (R-LA) who are facing reelection.

Finally, we can't ignore U.S. House races.

If I can raise the resources, my goal is to target the most competitive 50-60 potential U.S. House races.

There's no doubt about it, what happens in these races WILL determine who controls Congress next year.

But regardless of the political party in charge, it's going to be up to Second Amendment supporters to make sure pro-gun candidates see serious gains.

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