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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Obama, Netanyahu, and China. Respect to the Communists.

From Pam Geller at Atlas Shrugs comes this article.

You will see the image of our fraud-in-chief, that arrogant SOB, jabbing Bebe Netanyahu in the chest with singular arrogance, and then bowing to the Chinese.

This disgusts me. He is not a statesman, he is a thug. You don't go to a head of state, get in his personal space and jab him in the chest. Mr. Netanyahu - you aren't going to see this, and there are no excuses. The USA elected the wrong person. I apologize for our stupidity. I didn't vote for him. Obama is just an ass-kissing thug from Chicago. Ignore him. He has no manners - he's as common as dirt under our feet. There are a lot of us who believe he is a poseur, an imposter.

And yes, America, I'm ashamed but I'm angry.

And a finger in the face of the Canadian Prime Minister.

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