Monday, April 26, 2010

From: Blane Dillon of Be-A-Patriot - Food for Thought on Unlimted Government

Hello Patriots!

Earlier this month, hundreds of thousands of regular American citizens turned out to protest on April 15th, sending a message to the federal government that "We the People" are growing weary of excess taxation and oppressive government intrusion into our lives and private enterprises.

Is the federal government listening? No, those in power in Washington DC are turning a deaf ear to our voices. Obama has stated that he was "amused" by the Tea Party protests. Really? Amused? I have been among those protesting at Tea Party gatherings, and I can assure you that the American people are not amused by the antics of the Obama administration and their liberal progressive cronies. "We the People" are very disenchanted by our out-of-control federal government and the destructive path their agenda is taking us down.

The political forecast right now is easy to see: Unlimited Government. A federal government that literally controls every aspect of our lives, from what we eat & drink to what kind of soap we can use. From what kind of light bulbs we use to what type of power plant the electricity comes from to light the bulbs. What kind of car we can drive to what kind of fuel is used in the car. In theory they can even regulate how much we breathe with the new EPA CO2 regulations. And for every type of control or regulation the federal government imposes upon us there is another tax imposed as well, to fund the government bureaucracy that oversees the infinite, oppressive regulations.

The Founding Fathers of our nation never envisioned America to be a land where the government controlled so many aspects of personal behavior and private enterprise. They made painstaking efforts to make sure the federal government was a limited one, with few powers over the people. But the political landscape has changed, mostly over the last century, to one that now assumes the federal government has unlimited powers.

Notice that I said assumes the federal government has unlimited powers. The federal government has assumed that they have the power to do anything they want. They assume that they can pass any legislation they want, without regard to whether it is constitutional or not. They assume that they can twist the written words of the Constitution to give them power to regulate our lives with an iron fist. But do they really have the power? The answer is simple: NO.

Our Constitution has guaranteed us a Republic, in which the power resides with the people. "We the People" have elected Representives, Senators, and Presidents over the years to represent us in Washington DC, but we never gave away our power. They assumed it. Gradually at first, and now in big chunks, they have assumed powers that were never granted them by "We the People".

It is now time to take it back, to save America from the fate which waits at the end of this path: Tyranny. If we want to leave a better America for our children and grandchildren, we need to start acting now. We must oppose every piece of legislation that further taxes us and controls more of our lives. We must make sure that those who have been elected to public office and have abandoned their oath to uphold the Constitution are removed from office. We must remind those elected officials, political appointees, and civil servants who have assumed our power that "We the People" have taken our rightful place of power back and they
can no longer do as they wish.

I have heard and read statements that the Tea Party movement in America is dead, that it was a "flash in the pan", that it is disorganized and has no political power. Pennsylvania Gov. Rendell recently said he could gather more people in Washington DC for a "save the puppies" event than the Tea Party did for it's protests. Do these type of statements reflect what is really happening? No. If you have participated in this true grassroots movement at all during this last year you know that it is something real, something meaningful. The Tea party is a conglomerate of different people, from different religions, different backgrounds, different political parties, and with different views on many things. But what it is (and the detractors still haven't figured out) is real Americans standing up for the freedom and liberty that we have in America, and what it boils down to is a classic right vs wrong scenario. And I feel with 100% conviction that "We the People" are right, and that is why we must continue this fight against those who want to redefine what America is all about.

Please pass this email on if you agree with what it says. We must rally more everyday Americans to come out and join us in this quest to take America back and restore it once again to the beacon of light and hope that sends the rest of the world a clear message: Freedom & Liberty For All.

"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

God bless America, and may God save our great country.

Blane Dillon

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