Saturday, March 27, 2010

Today's Campaign for Liberty


March 27, 2010

Fellow Patriots,

Before the ink dried on the health care boondoggle President Obama just signed into law, fourteen states sprang into action to defend their sovereignty by filing suits in federal court against ObamaCare’s individual mandate.

Thirteen states – Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington –
filed suit jointly in Pensacola, Florida, citing the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” as an "unprecedented encroachment on the sovereignty of the states" and basing their case on the 10th Amendment.

Virginia’s Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli,
filed suit separately in Richmond, Virginia.

Thanks to the tremendous work of Virginia Campaign for Liberty Executive Director Donna Holt and the tireless lobbying efforts of VA C4L, the “Healthcare Freedom Act” recently passed the Virginia General Assembly and was
signed into law by Governor Bob McDonnell. This law effectively declares the individual federal mandate null and void for citizens of Virginia.

The Healthcare Freedom Act has given Attorney General Cuccinelli unique standing on which to base his lawsuit. The Virginia law reads, “No resident of this Commonwealth…shall be required to obtain or maintain a policy of individual insurance coverage….” As the Cuccinelli suit states, “The collision between the state and federal schemes also creates an immediate, actual controversy involving antagonistic assertions of right.”

It continues: “…thus far in our history, it has never been held that the Commerce Clause, even when aided by the Necessary and Proper Clause, can be used to require citizens to buy goods or services.”

The federal government, despite boasts to the contrary, knows the individual mandate rests on a perversion of the Commerce Clause that it has been allowed to get away with for far too long.

In addition to action in the courts, states around the country are also voicing their opposition toward this unjust, unconstitutional usurpation of power through legislation. Along with Virginia,
Utah and Idaho have signed into law variations of Healthcare Freedom Acts, and similar legislation has been introduced in more than 25 other states!

It is invigorating to see states finally beginning to reassert their sovereignty against the tyrannical powergrabs emanating from Washington, D.C. The momentum will only continue to build as additional states join the fight, but for that to happen, we must remain diligent in spreading the word and continuing to fight for free market health care reforms.

Campaign for Liberty members nationwide have been turning up the heat on their local politicians, demanding they act against the overreaching federal government and its schemes to take away our liberties. Our members continue to collect petitions, testify before committees, and hold their elected officials responsible for their actions.

Indeed, we were successful in pushing back against this latest intrusion for far longer than anyone would have thought possible. What was supposed to be a done deal with the election of President Obama became a knockdown, drag-out fight that will continue into the November elections and beyond.

Without the intense efforts of Campaign for Liberty members taking action all across the country, the final legislation could have even been much worse. Our elected officials may now try to convince themselves that the outcry will die down and our Revolution will fade away, but we must ratchet up the pressure even more and make sure they know we will not rest until we take our neighborhoods, our states, and our country back.

While ObamaCare’s passage was widely heralded by the mainstream media as a defeat of our movement and a victory for Obama, you and I both know that this is only the beginning. There comes a time in each generation when people must decide whether to stand up and defend their natural rights or bow down before the seat of power. Let us steadfastly maintain our resolve to see this battle through to victory!

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. Despite Obama and Pelosi’s recent victory, Campaign for Liberty is not going to stop fighting for health freedom and free market solutions. But C4L can only accomplish as much as your continued support allows. If you are able, please
make a contribution to Campaign for Liberty today to help us push back the statists and reclaim our liberties.

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