Sunday, March 28, 2010

Soon to be ex-Rep. Stupak sold out for $4.7 billion (so I guess all those unborn babies had a price after all, and it was zero). LIAR.

Let me get this straight. The gallant defender of the unborn - the LOUD and CLEAR defender of the unborn - Bart Stupak, caved for $4.7 billion dollars.

This is bribery at the highest level.

If "the Mob" (let's say in Chicago or New York City) didn't like the idea that their favorite pizza joint's future was made uncertain by MY pizza joint a block away (and I make VERY good pizza, incidentally), and they shook me down for protection by fear and intimidation and offers I couldn't refuse, that would be a crime to be prosecuted under RICO.

I don't see any difference here, except that it was done under the (HAH!) rule of law.

What our Congress and the White House have become, is a mob. It is operating in full view. Our judges have been struck dumb and mute, as has our military, because if our generals, admirals, etc. had any balls at all (yes, that's crude, but so is what is happening before our eyes), they would seize these criminals and charge them and put them on trial and help to peacefully restore Constitutional government to their country, to whom they swore an oath of allegiance and protection.

And that oath, because they haven't acted, is worthless. We liberate other countries from dictators, but our people will not take the steps to eliminate the criminals and restore our country. Anyway, that's just my 2 cents.

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