Wednesday, January 27, 2010

That faux fur you're wearing could be dog fur imported from the orient - probably China

Yes, China. Where companion animals - dogs, cats and furbearers are clubbed, stunned, skinned alive, bodies thrown in heaps still alive to suffer unspeakable pain, torture and suffering.

Same goes for Korea, where strangulation with wire before clubbing/skinning makes the dog meat more tender. The pelts are probably sent to China.

If you want to check before you buy to make sure faux isn't fur, take a few hairs from the garment and burn them. If they smell like burning chicken feathers, it's from an animal. If it has a plastic smell, it is manmade fiber.

You can also do this test to ivory and bone vs. plastic. Many pieces of scrimshaw and netsukes have passed as ivory when they are really good reproductions in plastic. I know that from experience.

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