Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Glenn Beck - Not quite what you thought.


I've had reservations about him. I listen to him, but the "buts" wiggle into his commentary more often than I'd like. There's wiggle room. I don't like that.

So this article pricked my ears, caused me to run outside, wet my finger and hold it up to the wind.

You can't trust the media. At all. The media - in print, on radio, on television - feeds your brain the easy way. It's all done for you. Easy to digest and believe.

So it's up to you to decide.

1 comment:

  1. It amazes one to realize the extent to which this silly country is susceptible to such blatant propaganda as spewed forth on a Daily basis by FOX Noise.

    These are the days of America’s ultimate doom. When a clueless thought Nazi like Glenn Beck is able to hijack America political conversation, it only proves beyond a wisp of a doubt that America has swallowed the fatal capsule of its own demise.

    Seriously, did you ever, in your weirdest, stupidest fantasies think your country would fall as low as it has? It kinda makes you wonder.


    Tom Degan
