Sunday, January 3, 2010

The explanation and expose' of the far reaching effects of the War Powers Act of 1917 which makes US citizens enemies of the state - IMPORTANT READ!

The President of the U.S. has become the most powerful man in the world and the most dangerous. He is a declared enemy and traitor to our country. When the President signs an Executive Order it becomes law. Of course the President was never granted the authority to make law as that function belongs only to Congress. However, unconstitutional, Executive Orders have become an accepted unlawful practice. It follows the political maxim so common among corrupted men today, "I won't challenge your grab for power if you won't challenge mine." In this way the State and Federal politicians can build themselves little empires which soon become institutionalized but with no formal grant of power from the Constitution or Bill of Rights, therefore, their every act is unlawful, EXCEPT BY THE GUN. Enter here the mercenaries called law enforcement to legitimize the powers of the police state and the reign of terror begins.

* TRAITOR - "One who, being trusted, betrays; one guilty of treason."

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