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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Citizen journalists take note:

I'm sorry to have to taint my blog with There's always a "but".

Yes - we all need to get involved.

You are a citizen journalist when you expose police brutality, exercises in liberty and freedom that celebrate freedom of speech - all our freedoms guaranteed to us at birth because we are Americans; politicians pandering to their constituents, lies, corruption, anything at all that impedes or prevents the American citizen's rights and safety. Take your cameras into town hall meetings, tea parties, and when you meet with any government agency - at least take a tape recorder. Create a blog. Publish, publish, publish.

That includes homelessness; people and families on the streets because Obama won't end our NAFTA and GATT treaties and bring our jobs home so that homes can be saved.

Unemployment lines. He wanted to employ - heck, everyone - in green jobs. He failed.

Food pantries at work - put our family farms back together by removing taxes and the regulations that hinder their lives producing our food.

The lines of illegals crossing our borders - get the footage and publish it on every video source on the net. Get the footage of illegals getting into taxis and driving to the social security offices and coming out with cold cash; in emergency rooms for their free care; at the food stamp office.

A picture is worth a thousand words. A video is eyecatching eyecandy.

Get those cell phones charged up, your cameras, your tape recorders. Fire them up and take them with you every day.

Send your footage to your local tv station, to CNN, FOX, etc.

Discuss it on your local talk shows. Embarrass the hell out of politicians by showing them truth.

It's all about us.

We are citizen journalist/warriors. Don't forget it.

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