Friday, January 1, 2010

Bloggers harrassed by Obama after crotch bomber incident

I agree with Pam Geller. These things are happening to all of us. We put the information up for the world to see. We are the world news, and in many instances, we put it before you readers FIRST and that's important.

The news I put up here wind up on the controlled media from 1 to 3 days later. We are immediate news.

Maybe we do need a legal defense fund. I wonder how many blogs are out there. $1 American Dollar from every blogger everywhere. I wonder how big the pile would be?

It's New Year's Day. Enjoy the ham and the tailgate barbecue. You will swill down beer and chips and watch football until your eyes cross.

But like Pam says on her blog - tomorrow, you're ours.

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