Thursday, December 3, 2009

Greenies not happy w/Obama dragging his feet on endangered species and environment

I daresay....HE DOESN'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS. He doesn't care if wild horses and burros, an important part of our culture and heritage, are rounded up, transported in horrible conditions to be slaughtered and put in cans in Mexico for dog food or used in France and Belgium where horsemeat is a delicacy?

He doesn't care about the aerial killing of wolves who have a birthright to live in our national parks and in their Alaskan strongholds.

He doesn't care that this green movement and the fear of climate change, or global warming have become a cult - so much the better. He doesn't care that the lie is exposed. The man is a liar. He will do what he wants. He wants to be President the World, and if you don't believe it - just wait.

Are you all naive four year olds?

Do you expect him, really, to act the way you want him to?

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