Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Bomber news

And if you want to see a photo of his underwear, check out

Wealthy young man takes course in Islam in Yemen.

Father rats him out. Doesn't matter - falls on deaf ears.

Gets on no-fly list in UK.

He's banned from the UK, in fact.

Buys one-way ticket to Detroit.


A Nigerian Muslim doesn't have a passport. A Nigerian banned from the UK DOESN'T HAVE A PASSPORT?

Accompanied by a well-dressed individual to gate and it is arranged by airline personnel to let him fly. HE HAS NO PASSPORT! He's on a watch list of 500,000 people.

Tries to bomb a plane.

Now he says he's not alone and Al-Qaeda is threatening more attacks.

The Prez sez he's a suspect. A suspect?

Napolitano says the system failed

The airlines respond with more inconvenience to their clients. Passengers will be seated for the last hour (see my previous comment on airline bathrooms and crazed, mutinous women trying not to embarrass themselves).

Are you kidding me? The system worked? Then it didn't? A Dutch guy tackled the Nigerian and saved the day, not an air marshal.

This is a false flag event. Get ready for worse to come.

WE - the USA - let him in. Who is the "well-dressed man? Where's the security camera tape?

Could YOU get into the USA without a passport or leave. OH, PLEASE. You and I can't even leave our shoes on.

There should be air marshals on every flight and I believe sincerely in profiling.

I believe this is just the start of more flight restrictions, surveillance and draconian measures.

Hey, somebody out there reading this should apply for Napolitano's job now.

This guy is a terrorist. He should not be given an attorney and tried by US rules. His father's wealthy and so is he. Why are we going to be footing the bill. He should be tried in a military court.

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