Monday, November 30, 2009

PETA is now a terrorist organization according to the USDA

The heavy hand of government is coming down on people and organizations who are legitimate - legal, lawful and do yeoman's work to expose questionable, illegal, moral, ethical actions which eventually lead to CHANGE and better futures and conditions to benefit humans and animals alike.

Like PETA or not, agree with them or not, their exposes are brutal, but necessary. They oftentimes are directly to OUR health.

When our rights are violated as to choice - whether we feel moved to participate in a peaceful demonstration which is OUR RIGHT, guaranteed by the Constitution, then we have to question who is running the government, and make every effort to unelect and/or remove them from office.

This is another assault on the freedoms that we all enjoy.

Think about the other organizations that are out there asking your help in issues of morality, ethics, compassion, etc. Whatever is important to you - for whom you volunteer, and to which you contribute time or money, how does it feel to be classified a terrorist?

The squeeze is on.

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