Monday, November 16, 2009

From one of my lists - It's a repeat of history...

My mom grew up in Nazi Germany. She came to this country after seeing her home country bombed and people removed from their home by force or by death. She saw neighbors shot down in the street because her mother tried to share a pot of boiled potatoes. She saw people shot because they didn't salute when Hitler came down the parade route. They had guns, money, jewelry and anything else of value confiscated.

She is in her 70's now and when I started prepping (few years ago) she told me I was crazy. She said nothing like that could ever happen in this country. She loves this country and made her citizenship as soon as she could years ago. She has in the last year started prepping herself. She has been dehydrating and canning with me. We can and dry all we can get our hands on. She has her own gun and practices shooting it.

Why did she change her mind? Not because of anything I said. She says that the economy and the laws which are being enacted so closely mirror what happened in Germany years ago that she is scared. She said their economy went into the crapper, people started giving up their rights so the government could straighten out the mess and before they knew it there was nothing any one person or group of people could do to stop the landslide. You went along or suffered the consequences.

So being prepared is the only security we may have. A store of food or the ability to grow more and the ability to do without. I don't have a lot of money but I am without a mortgage or a car payment. I have a little solar and a generator (which may be useless if I can't buy gas or barter for gas) I already am weaning myself off of electric appliances. They are overused anyway in my opinion. We don't need electricity to do everything just a little work.

Sorry this is so long. I just wanted to share the fact that history and current events are relevant if you talk to someone who has been there. It can be scary unless you know you are reasonably prepared or trying to be.

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