Saturday, November 21, 2009

From National Right to Work Foundation

More Obama garbage...

Foundation Files Lawsuit to Force Disclosure of Obama Administration’s Ties to Big Labor

On the campaign trail in 2008 and since he took office in January, Barack Obama has repeatedly made promises of a new era of openness and transparency.

So just how closely has Obama Administration stuck to that promise? It hasn’t, at least not at the Department of Labor (DOL).

Yesterday, the National Right to Work Foundation filed a federal lawsuit to compel the DOL to release information related to high-ranking officials’ contact with union operatives.

The suit seeks disclosure of high-ranking DOL officials’ connections to powerful union lobbying interests. Conflicts of interest appear to exist with regard to Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, who previously held a key leadership position at the Big Labor-front group “American Rights at Work,” and Deborah Greenfield, a DOL appointee who previously worked with the AFL-CIO to overturn the same union disclosure guidelines she now oversees.

The Foundation’s Freedom@Work blog has highlighted numerous other examples of union power brokers thrust into key roles overseeing organized labor – an apparent violation of the White House’s supposedly stringent new ethics policy.

Unfortunately, a “knock-down-drag-out” legal battle with the Obama Administration is likely to be expensive, so your generous contribution will help the Foundation pull back the veil of Big Labor’s stranglehold on the Obama White House and Department of Labor.

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