Thursday, November 26, 2009

ClimateGate and Ed Begley -

Actor Ed Begley is capitalizing on his green lifestyle in California. I've seen some of his shows on tv.

Actually, I am all for off-the-grid living and the homesteading lifestyle. If I can be self-sufficient, put my resourcefulness to work instead of paying utility companies, why not? I think everyone should give it a try. Not so much because the earth is "dying", but because of the dignity and satisfaction that comes by not depending on utility companies, big agra, etc.

I've had that attitude since the 70s, and never quite attained it. But I support all that do, and collect information in books and magazines and on the net all the time, just in case I get lucky.

I have to admit, I am no gardener. But I will get my mushroom compost, get out my walking plow, get out my electric chainsaw and trim some trees that have managed to grow when I ignored them, and maybe plant a winter garden. Even if I get a couple of heads of lettuce and
snow peas, I will consider it a success.

But I never believed in global warming. We can't stop the forces of nature.

Gore is a liar. He was no good as a VP, and he's managed to hoodwink the nation and part of the world as a puppet for the globalists and the UN, while flying around in a Jetstream. No commercial flights for the man; then there's the family owned zinc mine which is a known major polluter.

And then comes the news that global warming is the hoax I said it was.

Thank God for whistleblowers and in instances of pursuit of truth, the hackers.

Here - take a look:


  1. Climate Change or Global Warming are merely labels that The Powers That Be assign to a "crisis" they created to justify their "solution". The solution is for TPTH to increase their political and economic power.

  2. Whoever began it, did such a brainwashing job on the masses that they will be on their bellies, crawling, begging for a crust of bread, a cup of water from the globalists. In this country, Al Gore should be arrested, prosecuted for being an American traitor and punished.
