Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tonight is Halloween -

The spooks and ghouls stay away from my neighborhood - we are too rural for that. Besides - you never know on these warm nights, unless you have a really good flashlight, if the snakes are out, too.

So here I sit - after dinner, with a few of the dogs - may download some photos. My grandchildren are being escorted through their neighborhood by their mother. Grandson is into Scooby Doo or Spiderman and granddaughter is a witch tonight.

Holly, my Australian Shepherd is in recovery and well on her way to being whole, if her femur on the hind leg stays in the socket. Her lacerations are healing but the one under her "arm" in what would correspond to our armpit, is healing from the inside finally. She is flushed twice daily. Penrose drain came out last week. I found her on the bed yesterday.

Holly is a blue merle, blue-eyed Australian Shepherd who was viciously attacked by my female German Shepherd three weeks ago. I don't know what sparked it, but I think it may have been something about the water hose. They both love it, and I had filled the waterer by the wellhouse. I left them alone - heck - I've kenneled them together, but when Holly didn't come in around 7 p.m. I looked for her under the tool shed. She didn't want to come out. But she managed, and could barely walk. Left leg rear was twisted grotesquely around her right rear just above her foot and the gashes on her front leg had stopped bleeding. When I discovered the gaping hole under her "arm" I could see into her body between ribs and skin. It was awful. I gave her something for pain and she was taken to the vet's first thing in the morning. The only ER vet we had was two hours away. She made it through the night (I slept next to her on the floor) and through the surgery. Holly is about 10.

Maya now wants to get her. And Holly is afraid. Separation is the best thing to do; Maya came as a rescue a year ago. She'd been to a few homes and the animal control shelter. I can't put her down. So there will have to be a muzzle on her at all times in the house when Holly is fully recovered.

She is also looking at the possibility of having more surgery. Ka-ching. The first was approximately $700. And while I am not arguing the price, although I don't think putting a leg back into the socket warrants that cost, I am very grateful to the doctor's skill, maybe he could've presented us with the alternative while she was out on the table. That is, removing the head of the femur and letting the ligaments and muscles take over. Had a cat hit by a car once, and he had to have that done. Never had a problem with his leg. So if it dislocates again, she will have to have that. Estimate to follow.

I'm just very happy to have her getting well. She isn't a kisser. But she kissed me the other day and again tonight. She is from working stock. She was also a rescue from a couple in Georgia who didn't realize the beautiful puppy needed a job, and thus she came to me in a prong collar and never went in a crate again.

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