Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Public Option ad nauseum -


Harry Reid is trying his best to secret the plans for the public option away from the public eye.

I am going to end this post and call his office (1-877851-6437) and leave a message, because it's 5 p.m. here and he's not there, for sure. God forbid they put in an 8 hour day.

Obama promised, and you can view the lies in the video below) transparency and a five day period where we can look at legislation.

You can be those lying asses won't tell us what's in this bill.

Why did we elect a thug from Chicago? It doesn't make sense.

I digress.

Time is running out. We need to flood the offices of the proponents of the bill and the White House line as well. Fax them, call or email them.

NO on the public option.

Senator Reid would better serve his constituents by opening up and operating another whorehouse in Searchlight, NV. He'd be good at that.

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