Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pigs at Minnesota State Fair contract swine flu

And you have to ask yourself...remember it began in Mexico? Who is employed by farms?
Illegal aliens? The flu vaccine is starting to be distributed. Did Minnesotans get it? It's a well-trafficked state fair! Did the owner of the pigs get the vaccine?

You know if you read this blog that the active virus lasts for 3 weeks in the nasal spray.

If our hog supply is decimated by the government - the USDA, the CDC - you're at their mercy if you really love your pork. But wait! I've heard that this vaccine also carries bird flu. Key word here is "heard". What if it does? How long will it take to get to the chicken/turkey population.

Just think about that and the panic it would cause. Score one for them. You'll do anything to get food for your family - wear a bracelet, a ball and chain, an implant...anything at all, or will you RESIST!?

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