Saturday, October 24, 2009

Orly Taitz - Suit for American people to have standing to force Obama's birth certificate, etc. to go forward


Talk a look at this! (And everyone else, too.)

I found this link at AMOJ, a yahoo group.

The suit is Case No. SACV09-0082 in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, and the parties are


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 7:51 PM
Subject: Obama trial set

Judge Carter has in effect ruled privately, in chambers, against the government motion to dismiss the case. He has also ruled that the trial date of January 26 be finalized. The only thing that can stop the case from going forward now is the routine phase of offering the defense (Obama) the chance to argue for Summary Judgment. This will of course be attempted, and the ruling on it is set for December 7. Considering all factors, there is only a small chance that such a summary judgment would be granted by Judge Carter. Ergo, it is highly likely that one of the most important cases in the history of the republic is moving forward. And not one word from the utterly controlled media mouthpieces. Please let people know far and wide that this enormously critical case is proceeding--
--the media prostitutes won't tell them as they continue to shield and grovel before their false messiah. This fact alone should cause a clueless public to realize that everything they say on the major media outlets is deceitful in some measure, in order to misdirect the public's attention in ways harmful to said public.

The burning question now is when will Judge Carter allow discovery to proceed? Because there is every reason to believe that blockbuster revelations will ensue within days if not hours from that moment. Maybe on that same Dec. 7 date.

Ninety eight days to trial.

If anyone has doubts about this link, just Google the matter and you'll see lots of leads.

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