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Friday, October 23, 2009


Copenhagen is happening soon!

Someone please write a song about this idiocy of the (hot) sky is falling, and we're all chicken littles. I'll post it here if you send me a Youtube.

A letter from Mother Nature to the children of the world - to be read in a Glynda the Good Witch-type voice.

Dear Children -

Don't forget that we breathe and exchange other gases besides oxygen and carbon dioxide - and that's why, boys and girls, we have eugenics. Eugenics will shorten our lives, kill us outright, throw out the book that says green things photosynthesize carbon dioxide and the product of this is oxygen - that allows us to breathe. The rain forests found all over the world, boys and girls, which have been depleted by the very corporations run by the very people who would like you to believe that "we" are the bad guys and should be punished by cap and trade for using up all that oxygen, were once called the lungs of the earth, embracing and enveloping the entire globe with lovely oxygen and water vapor so that species could live and breathe and work and play and the rain and snow would fall and rivers run, full of fish - but the corporations cut the forests down. And the green that they treasured was money. Not trees or vines or beautiful fruits and flowers or whole forests where animals wandered and sleek fish swam the streams just as it was from the beginning of time. And that is called "greed".

Ice caps at the poles will expand and contract as they have through millenia. So are the cycles of nature which man in his arrogance cannot control. But if you let them, man can control your thoughts and your panic even though your minds aren't twisted like theirs. And I promise you will not drown in your beds as you dream your little boy and girl dreams. For what they make you fear is as endless as time. And those are the rhythms of nature; the cycles of change that are far stronger than men and so gradual that you and your grandchildren, and so on will never really notice.

They - the corporations run by those who wantonly destroyed the rainforests, belong to people like Al Gore and his family who mines and pollutes, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers; people who wear crowns and call themselves "royals" and think they are so special, that one queen I have heard, has a servant to attend to her personal hygiene after she potties. My, my. What can I say? We are after all, no different from each other. And she is no different than your granny, but probably a lot more eccentric in some ways. I believe it is her husband who says he'd like to come back from the dead and be a deadly virus to wipe out humans. Oh, dear me. What an wicked thing to say. And we can add business people called entrepreneurs who make huge profits from trees and building and energy themselves; genetic engineering to alter life itself, and even people involved in philanthropy - the idea of helping people - by sterilization - still eugenics. All of the fine labels mean nothing. They are liars.

Oh children - the list goes on and on.

So when you go home tonight, please discuss this at dinner with your family. The earth is not warming. It is all a hoax created by evil people - the globalists - so your family will bear terrible taxation, and even be limited to going to see your grandma and grandpa in another state unless they make air travel reservations (or maybe have to get permission from a transportation czar) as much as two years in advance. You may even be called "slaves" when you grow up. You are already called "useless eaters". But Mother Nature doesn't want you to worry. Just be prepared and find that thing inside that feels strong, which is courage. Because Mother Nature knows that it exists in you, and it is a fine, fair thing.

Mother Nature knows the universe and the seasons, and the creatures that slither, creep, crawl, fly, stride and walk upright - from the tiniest cells to the biggest elephant. And Mother Nature knows all about nature's cycles and sunspots and their cycles, too and rain on your faces and snowflakes that melt on your nose and that you will not fry and die. And she know that if you listen to the crap (oh, dear children - did I say that? I apologize) then...the lies these people are feeding you, will make you fry and die or maybe not fry, but bake in an oven until you get crispy. Probably in a FEMA camp, right next door to you, like in Hardin, MT.

Have a good evening and sweet dreams.

Mother Nature

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