Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ocala, FL! You have a choice on Nov. 17 runoff - Suzy Heinbockel! Hooray for Suzy!

Suzy Heinbockel in Nov 17 Runoff

October 28, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Ocala voters gave Suzy Heinbockel a second place victory in the City Council election. Heinbockel was running for Ocala City Council, District 1. Her victory qualifies her for a run-off election on November 17th.

Heinbockel has been a long time supporter of the Liberty movement in Florida. "I don't believe that our resolution from this economic crisis is going to come from government," Heinbockel says. "It's government's role to get out of the way, to make it easy for people to start businesses, and clear the path to level the playing field so people can work and grow their businesses without interference."

Suzy Heinbockel was a leader during the Ron Paul Presidential Campaign and, along with her husband, John, helped to sponsor the Florida Liberty Summit. She was chosen as one of the first Regional Coordinators for Florida Campaign for Liberty, but resigned the position in order to run for Ocala City Council, District 1.

Heinbockel’s opponent is 72 year old Mike Finn, a Planning and Zoning Board member for 17 years and a city councilman for 16 years, who is trying to come back from retirement after having left office in 2001.

When asked about her chances on November 17th, Heinbockel said, “I came in second by only 163 votes, so this is a very winnable race. Because the turnout will be very low, we have to make sure our people get out and vote. We need more volunteers to help make phone calls. And we need more donations for absentee ballot mailing.”

For more information about Heinbockel, visit her website, You can also view links to her news articles on Facebook.

Campaign for Liberty is a 501(c) 4 lobbying organization which neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office. From time to time we will report on races of interest.

In Liberty,

Mark Cross

Campaign for Liberty

Florida State Coordinator

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