Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Read this Reuters article.

Bandwidth shortage? Oh, come on.

It's all about control of uncountable masses of people and what they choose to read and research, then pass on.

It is mind control.

It is evil.

It is Orwell's Big Brother who is watching me and you and your neighbor and your parents. It is truth and enlightened thought and hungy minds looking for what they need, not from the government or the state, but from the knowledge of others.

I hope that you will push back and resist.

The internet has become the collective brain of us - "We the People" - whether you live in Dakka, Yazoo City, St. Thomas, or Lake Eufala, Alabama. Do you get it? We have joined intellects and made friends, met lovers and spouses, long lost relatives and the world has become as small as a mouse click. We visit each other every day - sometimes all day. Words of encouragement, sympathy, love, joy, business, learning, information and empathy. And your government and mine want to stop this in order to shut this fantastic tool for good we have created.

The shock to me is still that my government in the land of the free (HAH!) which seems to be no more in this administration, will black us out eventually until they have control of minds and people so that it can work in darkness.

If you are an American and you are reading this, you have to agree after you read this.

Let me know what you're doing to tell your legislators NO!


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