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Friday, October 2, 2009

Why Hardin MT is important to you and our future

This giant facility is at the boundary of the Crow Indian Reservation. 3.5 thousand residents.

A sign on the facility says "No hostages will exit out this gate" in English and Spanis.

American Police Force is patrolling in 3 Mercedes, black SUVs with a police logo on the vehicles which resemble the Serb royal crest. Mike Hilton is from Montenegro. He is a felon, and has been imprisoned. He also, as a felon, cannot be allowed to own (etc.) firearms, yet he is in control of weaponized biological warfare items and a complete line of military and paramilitary garb, accessories, arms and vehicles.

It has been confirmed that this is a Blackwater company.

Now there is a retired US Army Colonel, Richard Culver, in the mix.

The jail operates now by American Police Force. Personnel are foreign. Expansion is planned.
The jail gets money for keeping prisoners. Who will they imprison? The people of the town and surrounding areas? This will be run by the convicted felon Michael Hilton.

This is also a training facility for paramilitary mercenaries, police forces, military. Part of the expansion will be a training ground for warfare on the Crow reservation.

Be angry. Be very angry, but don't be afraid. Keep the pressure on Sen. Testor, Sen. Baucus and the Attorney General of Montana. Then apply some to your Senators and Representatives. We are all in this together, and together we will stop this movement to replace our local law enforcement agencies with paid mercenaries who may not be Americans. For if they are not Americans, when they look in your eyes to kill you and your families, they will feel nothing.

And I believe this is where we are today. The destruction of Blackwater and detention camps such as this is crucial to the sovereignty of the United States.

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