Friday, October 30, 2009

From Mathew Staver of Liberty Foundation

Some of you might find this interesting. For Floridians reading this, you may want to contact our Senators. Give 'em hell. All of you reading this should give your Senators such cramps and heartburn...that they'll start listening, use this 19 pound document to light their holiday yule logs, and start all over. A health care plan should be what...20 pages of text that a high school student (functionally illiterate as most are from government public schools...and no more.

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

Nancy Pelosi's 400,000-word bill puts the preborn -
and pro-life Members of Congress - squarely in the
crosshairs. See below. - Mat

Nancy Pelosi finally unveiled her massive 19+ pound, nearly
2,000-page government takeover of healthcare. And she is
already pushing for a floor vote as soon as next week but
no later than Veteran's Day, Nov 11.

This bill is longer than Leo Tolstoy's ponderous book "War
and Peace"! It is five times longer than the Old Testament!
In short, it's a monstrosity. And most of it is written
in "legalese"!

The last bill from Pelosi was 1,000 pages. They didn't think
anyone would read it, but we did, so now she added another
1,000 pages! My staff is pouring through the text and I will
have a report for you as soon as possible.

Here's what we already know: Pelosi's bill includes the
"public option," government-run, taxpayer-funded abortions
and alarming new taxes. No wonder they've been hiding it!

On Page 110, lines 17-22, there is explicit authorization of
a new government health insurance program that commits federal
funds to pay for abortions!

So much for President Obama staring directly into the
camera and promising no federal funding of abortion!
And what about his promised "conscience clause"
protection for doctors and nurses?

We also expect Harry Reid's version of ObamaCare to emerge from
behind closed doors any day now, with pressure for a vote as
soon as possible. That means we could be facing TWO major votes
on ObamaCare within the next week to ten days!

++They've "Shown Us The Bill," but it's largely unreadable!

As you might expect from the Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis,
Congress will now be RUSHED to approve bills that no staff
can be reasonably expected to digest in just a few days.
Lawmakers tell us it could take a week or more just to get
through the text, but Pelosi will be demanding passage by then!

When confronted with the bill's staggering length and complexity,
Democrats say Congress has already dealt with every part of the
bill! Well, maybe a FEW of them have - behind closed doors -
but nobody else has seen this radical manifesto! It is TWICE
as long as anything the committees spewed out!

+ + Pro-life Congressmen facing intense pressure

Thankfully, many courageous pro-life Democrats and a growing
number of moderates are speaking out against their leadership's
kamikaze plans. One Representative even said he was willing
to jeopardize his career to stand up for life. But the
pressure to fall into line next week will be immense!

That's why I'm asking for your help once again...
We cannot let political bullies like the
Obama/Pelosi/Reid machine trample on the pro-life and moderate
members of Congress! We need to embolden the Members of Congress
who are standing up to them!

That's why we've added key pro-life members and other moderates
to our "Fax Barrage."

Even if you have done so already, go here right now to schedule
your faxes and reach Senate leaders PLUS key pro-life members
of the House:

I am convinced that our carefully targeted Fax Barrage is
greatly adding to the resistance against the leadership's
arm-twisting. Together, we are making a real difference!

Between now and the time that votes are taken on these bills,
we must have THOUSANDS OF FAXES flooding the Senate and
House EVERY DAY. We must demand that Congress stop the
bullying to silence the voices of pro-life Representatives!
Then, we need to make it clear that we will not accept ANY
bill that funds abortions, limits our rights or imposes new
taxes and burdens on the American people.

Of course, if you prefer to send your own faxes, please go
here for fax numbers and sample texts for your faxes:

After you send your faxes, please call your Representative
and your two Senators. Here is their contact information:

Rep. Boyd 202-225-5235

Sen. Nelson 202-224-5274

Sen. LeMieux 202-224-3041

Pelosi's 2,000-page monstrosity has been unveiled. She has
promised to push this for a vote within a matter of days.
Please continue to stand until the battle is over!

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. I know this has been a long battle, but we simply can not
become "weary in well doing." Too much is at stake! For some,
this will be the second, third, fourth or even a greater number
of times to "stand in the gap."
Publish Post
But we can not let up - I
assure you the other side is mustering all of their strength
to PUSH this monstrous government takeover of healthcare through!
THANK YOU for your perseverance and God bless you!

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