Saturday, October 10, 2009

For our loved ones fighting in a war no one can win...

"There is sobbing of the strong,
And a pall upon the land;
But the People in their weeping
Bare the iron hand;
Beware the People weeping
When they bare the iron hand."

Herman Melville

In Memorandum:

What Did You Do Today?

What did you do today, my friend,
From morn until dawn?
How many times did you complain
The rationing is too tight?
When are you going to start to do
All of the things you say?
A soldier would like to know, my friend,
What did you do today?

We met the enemy today
And took the town by storm.
Happy reading it will make
For you tomorrow morn.
You'll read with satisfaction
The brief communiqué.
We fought, but are you fighting?
What did you do today?

My gunner died in my arms today;
I feel his warm blood yet.
Your neighbor's dying boy gave out
A scream I can't forget.
On my right a tank was hit,
A flash and then a fire;
The stench of burning flesh
Still rises from the pyre.

What did you do today, my friend,
To help us with the task?
Did you work harder and longer for less?
Or is that too much to ask?
What right have I to ask you this?
You probably will say.
Maybe now you'll understand;
You see, I died today.

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