Monday, October 26, 2009

The Cap and Trade Bill analysis

This is a good breakdown of the cap and trade bill. I heard something on shortwave just now that sparked my interest. If we have animals, even pets, we will probably have to pay a tax on what it is, size, its carbon footprint, and you will pay accordingly.

The pet business, and especially our little carnivores who share our homes, may be limited.

If we have livestock - horses in the yard, goats, etc., are grain/grass eaters. It costs to produce their feed. What is their carbon footprint?

In one of the posts yesterday, I read where the prices of food will escalate so high, we will forego buying meat because of the carbon footprint.

We are under assault from every side.

Please fight back. Even by emails or a phone call to your legislators.

This is total robbery of the American people and those all over the world.


  1. It would be quite ironic if we stopped buying meat, then couldn't even afford to raise and slaughter the meat ourselves. Maybe not the intention, but an "unintended consequence" quite a few cap and trade supporters wouldn't mind. Fight back by visiting to voice opposition to cap and trade and write letters to your legislators.

  2. I hope you will read the NAIS legislation. You can't even let your 4Her exhibit without government registration papers - not even a chicken.
