Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Campus violence prevention, disappearances and gun control


My friend and I were talking tonight about children disappearing from their homes, or from walking home from school or the bus stop and being murdered. There is a case coming up for trial where a 13 year-old was raped (the killer says it was consensual) and killed by a man in his late 30s. The public defender said there was no evidence of torture (is not the murder or the "killing" of a child - of anyone - the final torture?), and was having a tough time finding a jury. It was ludicrous. My thoughts on murdered children? When someone confesses, turn them over to the family to deal with him. Taxpayers will be spared the burden of room and board and appeals.

I don't think we think a whole lot about that happening to our young student who is now adult and going off to college. But it's happening more often.

It isn't unreasonable to give them lessons in self-defense or a firearms course and a weapon before you send them off to college. I would rather do that than send them off with no defenses, no confidence or resources to fend off an attacker or a kidnapper.

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