Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bullshit is processed grass. If you read this, you will know there is a purer kind, and it is coming


out of the minds and mouths of those like Al Gore, our president, the genetic idiots we have sent to Washington, and just plain ignoramuses that think we don't have brains.

Trouble is, they control the globalist agenda, which is one world government domination. And you will be forced to change everything that was important to you, like taking a free breath, thinking your own thoughts, speaking your mind, choice in everything. You will be enslaved; forced to radically change your life. And this is forever. This treaty is forever. It trumps the Constitution. So make it very clear to your elected officials, including the President, that you will fight like Americans for our freedom against global governance.

So like carbon dioxide is processed in photosynthesis to make oxygen, which is good for us all, and "they" don't understand this fundamental fact, and while the Gore family mine pollutes the river it sits near, and everyone is flying around the planet to go to this conference, spending our carbon credits and breaking our backs, and with evil and malice trying to reduce us to a third world nation, I maintain there exists a more pure form of bullshit and it is oral, and it comes from those meeting in Copenhagen. I haven't got a name for it yet. Would you care to contribute?

I will post the winner.

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