Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Birds of a Feather - Obama and his fine, feathered friends

Subject: Birds of a Feather

Hello Patriots! I am sure that most of you remember the old saying "Birds of a feather flock together". It means that birds of similar or like species flock together. I am putting this analogy out there to bring focus on President Obama and his flock of advisors, aides, and "czars" that he has gathered around himself.

During the 2008 Presidential campaign Obama told audiences, "Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself." These are his own words, he cannot deny that he said this. Hundreds of thousands, no, millions of people heard him say this either at the time he said it or when it has been replayed on TV or YouTube.

Obama, in the minds of many patriotic Americans your judgement day has come, just like you asked us to do. Somehow in your mind you thought your list of people that surround you would compliment you, but you were very, very wrong.

Obama's list of anti-American cronies is seemingly endless, with Anita Dunn (White House Communications Director) this week being uncovered on tape as saying one of her favorite political philosophers was Mao Zedong, the communist Chinese leader who executed 34 million political dissidents. This follows on the heels of self-avowed communist Van Jones being uncovered and forced to exit Obama's administration.

But let us not forget Obama's long list of friends, cronies, advisors, etc, including the following:

Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Racist) Marxist hatemonger and Black Liberation Theology minister (17 year confidant of Obama) Obama claimed a very close relationship with Wright before he realized that there was such a thing as a VIDEO CAMERA! Wright's rants made Obama officially denounce him, but why did it take 17 years? Hmm..... I smell a rat.

Saul Alinsky (Marxist activist) Ran training school promoting communism in the United States.

Bill Ayers (domestic terrorist) One of the founders of the Weather Underground terrorist group.

Cass Sunstein (Regulatory Czar) Does not believe in private gun ownership, free speech. Does believe in animal rights to the point that he believes all animals should have their own attorney and should be able to sue humans.

Todd Stern (climate Czar) The "behind the scenes" nutcase behind the cap & Trade legislation. No need to say more.

John Holdren (science czar) Believes in "eugenics" and that the government should control population through mandatory abortions and other government regulations of family size, even by sterilizing the population through public water system treatments.

Mark Lloyd
(FCC Chief Diversity Officer) Firm believer in censorship of media and communist dictator Hugo Chavez' biggest fan.

Eric Holder (Attorney General) Refuses to prosecute Black Panthers for voter intimidation, but wants to prosecute CIA agents for terrorist intimidation (oh, I mean interrogation)

David Ogden
(deputy Attorney General) Ogden believes there is a constitutional right to possess child pornography.

Arne Duncan (secretary of Education) Was superintendent of Chicago public schools (where else ?) Despite spending $13-$14,000 per student, a majority of Chicago public school students drop out or fail to graduate with their class.

Kevin Jennings (assistant secretary of Education) Founder of the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a group dedicated to promoting the homosexual agenda to school children as young as five.

Harold Koh (State Department counsel) Believes in "trans-nationalism", doing away with the Constitution entirely, and also believes Sharia law should be applied in US courts.

Valerie Jarrett
(senior advisor) In charge of vetting all the extremists Obama has appointed and thus, has to be an extremist as well. (That "birds of a feather" thing again)

David Axelrod
(senior advisor) Axelrod has spent his entire life promoting extremist candidates, and now advises Obama on all political matters.

Carol Browner (Director of energy and climate change) Socialist. Believes in wealth redistribution.

Cecilia Munoz (director of Intergovernmental affairs) Vice president of La Raza, firm believer that all illegal aliens are entitled to the same rights as citizens.

Folks, this list goes on and on. But take a minute and look at this list, and you can make that judgement that Obama asked us to make. I have, and it makes me have a sick feeling in my gut. Obama and his cronies are bad for America, plain and simple.

The time for sitting back and not doing anything about this is over. It is time to take a stand against the destruction of America. By the time Obama and his friends get done with our country it will resemble a banana republic. It is in our hands to make sure that doesn't happen.

Please forward this email to all of your contacts, it helps to spread the message.

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

God bless America, and may God save our great country.

Blane Dillon

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